Pubg Mobile vs Free Fire : Which game has better Graphics and Fps Support

Pubg vs Free Fire : Which game has
better Graphics and Fps Support

First of all, let's get some knowledge about the Unreal engine. The game we mentioned above, "Pubg
Mobile" is developed with the Unreal Engine which was made by Epic Games and was released in late
2017. The company is known as creator of the popular "Unreal Engine" which provides solutions to
provide amazing graphics for games such as: "Fortnite", "Rise of the Tomb Raider", and "Paragon".

In today's time, the names of Pubg Mobile and Free Fire are very popular, both of them are battle
royale action games, this game is an online game and their number of users is very high, all three of
these two games have achieved a very good reach in a very short time. Has been made and they are
also being liked a lot.
Today we are going to give you information about the graphics of these two games in this article, we will tell you which of these two games has the best graphics and FPS support .Although the graphics of both the games are very good, but if we talk about choosing the graphics of any one game, then today we are going to tell you in this article which is the game whose graphics are better.

Pubg Mobile Graphics vs Free Fire Graphics

There are many differences between the two games that can disturb you. Let's see what they are:

1. The resolution of the game:

The resolution of the games is one of the important differences between them. "Pubg Mobile" supports
up to 720p on the mobile version and 1080p on PC whereas "Free Fire" has a maximum resolution of
720p which is not good enough for a modern day competitive game, but still much better than pubg's
version. So when comparing these two games with their resolutions, you can say that free fire has a
better quality than Pubg mobile.

2. The size of the game:

When you look at the size of these two games, you will see a big difference between them. The Pubg
mobile is 527 MB and Free Fire is just 379 MB. So much space difference! If we talk about storage,
these games are quite stressful for your phone's storage because not only for 2 or 3 GB space, but
also for a lot of other mobile devices. So comparing them together, Free Fire certainly has a better
quality than PUBG Mobile.

3. Fps Support:

Fps stands for Frame per second. Fps support of any mobile game is dependent on the kind of mobile device players are using. If a player are using a 90 fps support device then he can play pubg mobile or Free Fire in 90 fps support if his device only supports 60 fps then he can play only with 60 fps support.

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