5 BEST PUBG Tips For NEW Players!
All right what's going on guys welcome everybody to another article, hope you're having a good weekend so far today i've got the top 5 easy pro tips for you guys to implement that will instantly help you get better at PUBG now this video is going to be a little bit more geared towards newer players as a lot of new players jumping into the game the skill ceiling is obviously very high right now and it's pretty brutal for new players trying to get acquainted in a game like PUBG so this guide is specifically meant for players like you if that fits your description and it's gonna make your transition into the game a little bit easier and should make your entire process more smooth and enjoyable so and again even though this article is a little bit more designed for newer players even if you're an experienced PUBG player and you're just looking to get a little bit more tips and tricks then this video actually might surprise you and if this guy does end up helping out at all i would really appreciate a like rating that is all i ask him to turn .but anyways guys let's get into this so coming today at the number 5 spot is gonna be to mark the plane path on your map at the beginning of each game .PUBG Tips For NEW Players!
1.Plane Path
you can do this a couple of different ways you can draw a line from the original plane path to the end of it and then you can use this new feature in the game that draws a line that will stay there permanently or you can mark it with some sort of special pin of the end plane path either way you want to do it the point of this technique is to give yourself a sort of radius of where most of the players in your match are going to be because depending on the plane path is going to give you a context clues for concentration of the players and how they land and you can expect a reasonable amount of players to jump in and around the left or right side of the plane so they're very unlikely to be near the bottom of the map or the farthest away from the plane path is thus making that the most safe option it's good to have on hand to give you the most context clues about where players are likely to be and so that's going to greatly influence your decision making and the more you implement this and understand where players are probably gonna be at any given point in the match then it's gonna make your experience that much better.
It's a very easy mistake for newer players to make and this is especially important when you're hot dropping you need to prioritize getting a gun over everything it might be really tempting when you land especially with a lot of other players to grab the level three bag first or to grab some kind of grenade or a first aid kit but especially when you're playing with a lot of players and you know every second counts you need to prioritize a weapon over everything and then you can pick up the scraps later it comes down to it you should even prioritize weapons over picking up armor because armor is no good if you don't have a firearm to fight your enemy i know that may sound obvious to you know more experienced players but it's not inherently obvious what loot you should be picking up immediately when you drop in but especially if you're new to the game and you're hot dropping a lot make sure to pick up a gun first and then go for armor second and hope you win a lot of gunfights especially in the early game .
3.Change preference
Tip number third is going to be to change your preference settings in terms of your crosshairs and also the way you use your reticles so all of the reticles in the game for the most part the red dots and the holographics have different options uh as far as their aesthetics now personally i just prefer the standard red dot but you can change these to whatever you like and even the color variations and you can also change these completely by going into your settings and changing your color blind now this is going to change the color of the blood of other enemies and also some elements on your map main purpose to change colorblind settings is to make the enemy blood a little bit easier to spot knowing you exactly when you got a hit and then you can also change your reticle color and this can be made any color you like there's not one that is objectively better but what i will say is don't make it too bright or too dark color that's gonna get lost within the background of a map .
4.Gun Settings
your reticle should be easy to see at all times and up against pretty much any background it should be very distinct and you know able to track a target no matter what the color or background shifts into again you can toy around with these settings a little bit to find your personal preference but those are the fundamentals to keep in mind about it you can also change your preferences for how you want your guns to behave upon picking them up so i recommend setting pretty much all of them to full auto especially ars and smgs so that in the early game you pick up a gun and you're not automatically fumbling around with trying to put it in full auto adjusting it in the settings will save you time in game and should do it right away.
Tip number Five is going to be explaining how airdrops work more specifically how the algorithm is based so that they land in a certain path and where to expect them on the map now generally with every single airdrop the plane is going to have a spawn location somewhere on the map and a set route and in that set route is going to drop either one or two air drops in that path and basically if this path is going straight down the middle of the map the plane upon spawning always has to drop the crates within the current safe zone now sometimes you'll see a plane drop a drop that is not inside the current white zone and this can happen for a couple of reasons the plane spawns in and if the circle pops after the plane has already spawned then you might get the situation where a drop actually lands outside of the white zone this means the time of the spawning of the plane and the popping of the zone were a little bit out of sync so that's why you might get one that lands outside of the current safe zone now it's important to know that because this will give you a better indication on probably where a drop is going to land help you to predict them more and then to cover them more effectively with smoke grenades or just setting up a little bit earlier whatever the case is it's not exactly obvious but it is really important to understand how they work.