Best Dedicated Server Hosting 2023
Are you looking for dedicated web hosting and you don't know what the hell you're looking for well tune this article I'm gonna help you all decide what is the best dedicated server package for you and your website. In this article I'm gonna go through each of these companies and explain the pros and the cons of dedicated web hosting and just explain exactly what you're looking for because with dedicated hosting it's not like your average shared hosting account or cloud hosting account you're actually given a lot of statistics on CPUs on ram etc and I actually used to buy and sell and tell Zeon's on eBay so I do have some good knowledge on CPUs and dedicated servers So this article I'm gonna completely educate you on dedicated servers and then we're gonna go ahead and compare and contrast every plan against every other web hosting company so first off you might be asking me what is dedicated to web hosting and why do I need it well dedicated web hosting is much different than cloud and shared so for example right here you have your server now dedicated web hosting your your websites is completely dedicated to the entire server so there is no other websites or no other customers on this server it is 100% yours with cloud and shared your website is actually shared on to various other accounts so as a result that can lead to slower performance it can lead to a slower websites but with dedicated you can handle a lot more traffic and also have a much faster websites compares to cloud or shared now I'm not saying upgrade to a dedicated server only if you need it because some people only need a cloud and shared .
let's go ahead and talk about the plan so with dedicated servers you're shopping based off the CPUs the RAM the the space and also the bandwidth so here we have the actual speed of the dedicated server so you can see here this is a fork or CPU operating at around 3.9 gigs usually it's around 3.2 but then again all these companies like to round up so this is the actual speed of the CPU right here you have the RAM 32 gigs of ram is quite a bit but Ram is basically kind of like the attention span of the computer it's basically when you're operating a bunch of different applications at the same time instead of like instead of it always crashing the RAM basically is like short-term memory allows it to kind of operate everything together without like crashing and everything so you can open up various programs all the time so usually in my computer.
I have about 16 gigs of ram and that allows me to multitask a lot more so it's not necessarily the speed of the computer it's the ability to do a lot more at one time then we have the most important is space so you're gonna come across a space where it says SSD and HDD now I personally have both in my iMac where HDD is basically it's basically an older version of storage and there's a new SSD SSD loads a lot faster and HDD loads a lot slower the difference between the two is that SSDs have no moving parts inside of them and a CDS do and it's just a slower type of storage however if you are loading stuff you might want to load it on your SSD and hold stuff on the HDD because it's still space right and then right here we have bandwidth and bandwidth is typically that allow the amount of users that can come to your websites now this is a big question people ask me is how much battles do I need that's a big question and generally around five terabytes of bandwidth you can probably handle somewhere on the lines of 1 million visits or less every month.
so if your if your website's getting a huge amount of traffic over 1 million you might want to do like 8 to 10 terabytes of bandwidth but generally for most of us you know we can probably handle under a million visits so generally that is what what 5 terabytes could possibly handle so here we have different plans we have the Intel Xeon twelve-thirty we have the silver and we have the gold so generally the more the faster sleep you have the better that website should operate now right here we have 64 gigs of ram and then we have 32 now quite honestly I don't think that you'll ever utilize 64 gigs of ram I mean not unless you're running some like video sharing website or something like that but for most of us right here the Intel Xeon swelter to plan would work just fine and here you can see that you know it has 4 cores 3.9 the something of a standard WordPress website that's getting a good amount of traffic.
you can also use this for something like an e-commerce website now this right there's a lot of space I mean 1.5 terabytes of space is quite a bit and on my website I'm using around 50 gigabytes so that's just kind of giving you an idea but if you have a website with a lot of products a lot of images you might need more space but then again I think that is plenty of space now this is actually a pretty solid plan and you can see over here how just basically if you want a faster CPU if you want more RAM you have the option to upgrade and to check out other versions of these dedicated servers but these dedicated servers to be honest are just I mean this is a lot of stuff like this is something right here you would need if you're running like a website with like a few million visits and you are doing a lot of like video stuff or something like that but these plans are actually pretty solid and look what actually has some of the best dedicated server plans so we're gonna go ahead and compare and contrast now liquid to other various companies and kind of give you an understanding of what you're looking for so this right here is something that I would probably get if I were the average consumer just running out I mean my website.
I can easily host on this plan right here one thing also is that they also have single and dual that's basically if you just want a faster processor and to be quite honest I don't think that you're really gonna see the difference between something of 8 and 16 cores not unless you're running some sort of website that is using a lot of resources so it's hard for me to say if you would need that specific CPU but if they were running on my website I would not see the difference between a 1/8 and the 16 core CPU I probably would not.
Best Dedicated Server Hosting list
let's go ahead and take a look at other web hosting companies now I do have all these links for all these companies in the article
1. Name Hero
we have name hero a name hero again offers various packages for you know dedicated servers and they actually have some amazing cloud hosting however their dedicated servers just lack a little bit comparing them to liquid web so here you can see they're using the Intel Xeon e3 the III series are a little old compared to the II fives but you can pay more for that but here you can see that you are getting around an III CPU which is around 3.8 gigs four cores etc eight gigs of RAM which is a lot less comparing that to a liquid web and right here you're only getting around five terabytes of bandwidth but that's the same as as liquid web so that's good but you're only getting around 210 storage of SSD which can be quite little comparing that to comparing that to a liquid web but then again if you want to go for it it's up to you personally I think that you would get a better deal going with liquid web now named hero actually has the fastest cloud hosting out there but for dedicated servers I would probably recommend name hero
2. GoDaddy
I'm sorry not named hero liquid web over named hero next we have GoDaddy good old GoDaddy and GoDaddy offers four plans right here and they're a very give or take here so I'm gonna kind of go through this and explain why I would not go with GoDaddy unfortunately because they don't tell you what you're getting and that's a big issue because if you're gonna spend 184 dollars a month you need to know the bandwidth and they just say unmetered what the hell does unmetered mean it means they're not gonna tell you because this is what they say oh I love this this is let's read this shoot your website bandwidth present a risk to disability performance of uptime of our servers we will notify you via email and you may be required to upgrade that means you're screwed and what they're gonna do is they're gonna give you the bait-and-switch just like Hostgator does so in my personal opinion if they're not gonna give you the bandwidth I would not go with them because you don't know what you're getting but right here you can see that they're giving you a four for core CPU 32 gigs of RAM two terabytes of a CD storage which is slower now they're telling you raid raid one I mean there's raid 0 when raid 1 raid zero one raid when with let me start again here raid 0 raid 1 raid 10 etc and each of these operate in a different manner but personally if you are the average consumer you don't need to know this because it's just something that really that you would never use and you're probably not experienced with you know Ray 10 or raid 0 or raid 1 but if they're not gonna tell you the amount of bandwidth I really couldn't recommend them they don't even give you what CPU they're using they could be using the intel xeon d d series they can be using an i7 and 99 I don't know what they're using they can be using an AMD CPU I don't know but they're not gonna tell us then I would have to sit there and not recommend it Go Daddy.
so sorry guys but you can always call them and see what they're offering and that might be something you know North it and if you feel that's good for you then go for it but I still believe that live labs plans are much better and does then then Go Daddy next we have a2 hosting now a2 hosting is one of the only companies out there next to the liquid web to offer unmanaged and managed so you will have access to the root files and if you are running a dedicated server and you are working on your developer there might be very important for you to have access to the root folders but if you are I'm sorry root access but if you are just the average consumer you'd probably want manage servers because again having root access would only be beneficial to developers and looking at a twos plans they're not really that good either so here they're only offering you a gigs of ram one terabyte of storage which is I'm assuming this is a CD storage they do give you a lot of bandwidth however they say from 15 terabytes what does from mean what is what is from 15 terabytes minutes that is not they need to be more thorough there so I'm not really sure about that they're giving you a fork or CPU 2.4 gigs I'm assuming that is the base I don't know but that's still not a bad not a bad CPU but for $200 you're seeing that you can still get better results from liquid web