How to Land Fast in PUBG New State | Landing Tips & Tricks PUBG New State
welcome guys recently many of you guys are asking me to make a landing guide because you were facing difficulties in landing a lot of new players are joining new state that's why they are also searching for landing guide. obviously we don't know how to land properly when we're playing for the first time and yes new state's landing mechanism is different from pubg mobile that's why there is different method to land .In this article i'll show how you can land fast easily after this article you'll get an idea about landing so without wasting your time let's start .How to Land Fast in PUBG New State
Basically there's only two classic maps available in new state but the landing method is same for these both maps let's start from troy map as everyone loves troy map more than a erangle first of all mark your drop location and wait until you reach 800 to 850 meter. when you reach around this distance jump from the plane now you have to quickly make an angle towards your destination so that you'll achieve a speed between 208 to 212 kilometer and open the map and wait for 200 meter distance from your destination.
After reaching around 200 meter quickly dive down which will give you the max speed of 234 kilometer don't release the joystick otherwise you'll lose the speed in few seconds you'll land easily so finally we're landed without any delay but what about other maps like br extreme and ur angle this method will work in troy and Erangle map but the jump distance is different so here is the optimal distance list of every map for troy and troy xtreme .you can jump around 800 to 850 meter and in a erangle jump at 900 to 950 meter for a quick idea about the landing path here is a figure.
I think you can easily understand the landing process in the Erangle map you'll be wondering that how to land easily so simply mark the location and wait until you reach around 900 to 950 meter from your destination and when you'll reach jump and make an angle towards your destination move the joystick upwards this will give you a speed of 208 to 212 kilometer after reaching around 200 meters quickly dive and achieve 234 kilometer speed.
This way you can easily land in a Erangle map if you want to land far from the plain path apply the same method it will be better to get a vehicle so if you're going far try to find a vehicle and yes you have to practice this method because practicing this method will help you in understanding about landing currently i'm using this method because i found this useful and yes in higher tier you'll get good players and everyone knows about landing that's why you might get a good competition in landing also once you learned about landing you'll able to land faster anyways this is the landing guide for everyone i hope you learned something new if you need any additional help check out these articles once till then i'll see you guys in the next article.