Top 5 Tips & Tricks Everyone Should Know in PUBG New State
5 tips and tricks of PUBG New State
1. Use Auto shoulder weapon
so guys the first tip is to use Auto shoulder weapon as I've told you earlier that disable shoulder weapon because Auto shoulder is slightly difficult for beginners that's why for beginners it's not recommended but if you're experienced enough and have good control then you should use Auto shoulder weapon because it reduces recoil and bullet spread which makes the gun more stable also shoulder weapon is not necessary in every situation like you shouldn't use Auto shoulder in 1v1 fight in intense close range that's why I've kept my shoulder weapon setting to hold so the shoulder weapon will only activate when I'll hold its button I'll suggest you to use when you're fighting straight face-to-face in mid-range or in between 5 meters to 25 meters distance for better accuracy and also when you're hidden behind any cover at that time you can peek and use shoulder weapon this will minimize the exposure of your character I hope you understood what I'm trying to say .
2. Use double AR Gun
so if you're a rusher and you love to rush on enemies this trick can be useful for you as myself being a rusher I like to rush on any team in any situation and most of the time I use double AR gun so while fighting with enemies in some intense situation the ammo of our primary gun gets finished and both you and enemy keeps reloading so instead of reloading the gun you can switch to your secondary weapon because it takes less time to switch to another gun than reloading for example here you can see a quick comparison I think you've noticed a difference that's why you should use this useful trick .
3. Use AR on bike with using this trick
so guys here is one of the interesting trick basically we can use SMGs on bike without using any trick but we can't use other weapons like snipers assault rifles lmg etc for using different types of weapons. you have to use this amazing trick all you have to do is go near a bike and hold the weapon which you want to use now do any emote and simultaneously click on get and button here you go now you can fire your weapon easily you can also reload the gun so guys you can try this amazing trick in the game. and guys here is really good tip for everyone especially for beginners .
4. Use DSR over M24 and car 98
Guys here is really good tip for everyone especially for beginners so the tip is to use DSR over M24 and car 98 I mean when we fire DSR while crouching or proning the scope remains open I mean it keeps open until the gun automatically goes on reloading this feature of DSR is really useful as you'll not miss your enemy while firing because sometime when fire is shot of a sniper rifle the scope gets closed and then the character reloads the gun till then the enemy gets disappeared from a location where we have seen him last time that's why to avoid the situation and to keep the track of the enemy you can use DSR while Croucher prone.
5. Under bridge trick
Band guys here is the last trick of today's article so the trick is about under bridge and under bridge go near the stone and then jump and ledge grab this way you'll climb on the stone now you can fire from here your enemy will not expect that you'll knock them from here and also while inside this Tower you can avoid unwanted headshots by doing Peak when you'll peek your character will slightly slouch this will protect you from enemies bullets so guys you can try these tricks in under bridge .
so guys here is the bonus tip for you and this tip is related to your health as we all play mobile games we don't care about the brightness and volume of the device most of the players keeps their brightness and earphone volume above 70 in every environment which is not good at all the optimal limit should be in between 50 to 70 depending on the surrounding and in dark room your brightness level should not go above 30 also keep the earphone volume less than 70 to avoid ear damage and keep the brightness below 70 to avoid eye strain and other problems also it depends on your device whether it have higher low Nets of display simply don't keep brightness and volume higher than normal anyways these are some tips and tricks which are really helpful to improve our daily gameplay which tip or trick you didn't do .