We've already gone through the best snipers in the game but are you using them correctly before you continue reading this article make sure that you have the right gunsmith for your sniper that you're playing at least with a four finger hud and that you're comfortable with your sensitivities because these are the things you need for today we're gonna talk about the four skills that you need to master to be better at sniping .
1. Quick reaction time
First one being quick reaction time this one's self-explanatory it's always better for you to have a quick reaction time when it comes to one-shot kill weapons but you might ask how do i get a quicker reaction time you know that when you're sprinting and you want to ads or hipfire there is a short delay between the end of your sprint and the beginning of the 80s animation or a hipfire shot that is called sprint to fire delay for the most guns in the game this doesn't represent a huge amount of time but for snipers it can be really long for the dlq with a classic gunsmith is 216 milliseconds .
which is the three shot kill ttk of the asm10 so it only makes sense that we have to find a way to cancel it and guess what today i'm going to show you three ways to do so the first one consists of walking back or strafing before adsing since you won't be sprinting anymore you won't have sprint to fire delay the second one more related to smd is to walk while sniping the third and last one is to slide slide cancel or jump before shooting this will make you gain at least 200 milliseconds which is a huge amount of time knowing how quick the time to kill of some weapons nowadays now that you know how to shorten your reaction time .
2. The crosshair placement
let me tell you that there's another skill that allows you to do that while also increasing your accuracy yeah seems overpowered i know that skill is none other than the crosshair placement and the crosshair alignment first let's differentiate both of them processor placement is how and where you put your crosshair while running around the map crosshair alignment is a special part of the crosshair placement it's how you place your crosshair when you see an enemy before adsing they are both super important for two reasons first reason is that if your crosshair is well placed when you see an enemy you'll have a higher chance to hit your shot and eliminate an enemy .
The second thing is slightly more subtle your eyes when you're playing are usually focused on the center of your screen where your crosshair is placed which means that if an enemy appears right in the center of your screen you'll react quicker than if he pops up right at the edge of your field of view now you might ask how can i improve my crosshair placement and alignment well that simple for crosshair placement place your crosshair where you expect an enemy to come at the right height which is about chest level so you can easily adjust if someone is jumping or sliding and do this every time whether you're waiting for someone to peek if you're holding a position running around the map or peeking crosshair alignment .
However is slightly harder to master when you see an enemy you don't necessarily base your crosshair right on him don't get confused let me explain when you see an enemy for example if he's sprinting towards the right place your crosshair slightly in front of him by doing this you reduce the distance you'll have to track while being in the 80s animation if you are behind an enemy then you have to place your crosshair on him and if an enemy is facing you then it depends if he's running straight just place your crosshair on him if he's doing zigzag or if he is strafing then try to place your crosshair on the center of his movement but you'll have to adjust while adsing to add to this place your crosshair in a way that the enemy will be right in the center of your screen after you ats without moving your camera now that we talked about how to place your crosshair when you aren't eds.
3. Hard scopes
let's talk about what you have to do when you're atheist we have hard scopes for the third skill first things first when do you hard scope whether you're in s d or in response hard scopes are useful and powerful if they are done correctly in response at the beginning of the game you can hold lines like an snd but after that per scope only when you're sure that an enemy will peak in front of you how do you know that by looking at your mini map listening to footsteps or if someone is chasing you hard scoping when you aren't 100 sure that someone will pick you is equal to a death and response because someone can backstab you at any moment in smd there are some open field lanes that you can and have to take advantage of if you're using a sniper like the middle lane on firing range for the pool lanes on raid the line between boxes and the a-site on standoff and a lot more those lines have to be taken as quickly as possible at the beginning of the round to secure an area and get information .
now the second question is how do you hardscope well there are two concrete methods the first one is to aim on the wall next to the spot where you expect the enemy to peek so he won't see your laser if you're using one and when he peeks you flick on him and get the kill but this requires a lot of flick consistency now let's say that you don't have a laser on or you don't care about showing it you have to do the same thing that pros do and valorant when they are holding angles you have to place your crosshair slightly shifted towards the spot where the enemy should be when he'll peek at you this combined with the aim assist that we have in game creates some situations when you don't even have to move your finger to eliminate someone of course it is impossible to do a sniper video without talking about movement .
4. knife switch
It's the fourth and last skill we already talked about it in the past but we're gonna try to go more in depth here on a gameplay that is running in the background since the beginning of this article you might have noticed one thing there is no knife switch in respawn game modes but we do have it on snd that is the first tip in response even if it is really stylish switching to your knife then back to your sniper costs you time even if you're doing it in the fastest way and since in response it's more likely that you'll find yourself in a1v2 gunfight than in snd but no matter what game mode we're playing will always have to be corners.
If you want to peek somewhere and you aren't sure that there's an enemy slide early in the way that the end of your slide will be close to the cover you just left close enough so with a simple jump you can get back behind if you're sure that an enemy is waiting for you and you want to challenge him slide as late as possible so you look really fast to your enemy and you'll go really far from where he expected you making the odds of him missing his shots better if you want to improve on this you can also replace the slide with a slight cancel .
Which is better since it helps for crosshair placement or slide jump or slight cancel and jump or if you have enough space to do it a bunny hop if you don't know how to bunny hop it's pretty easy you just have to slide plus jump it is during the jump then jump right when you land this will make you do a huge jump plus with snipers when you do this your crosshair is really stable while ads which makes the shot easier to hit than when you are doing a classic jump shot now that you have the basics in terms of movements you need to learn other movements to be efficient but just before that for smd don't forget to use amp in the knife because sliding right after dropping your knife will give you the slide speed and distance that you would have with the knife and that is part of the thing that gives you more chances to win a 1v1.
In smd for respawns you can use quick fix or toughness if you want to be more efficient than stylish now that's out of the way let's talk about movements in detail the first one is probably the most used in snd the slide 180 and the backslide something that you use when you're getting chased by a melee user one of the things that you absolutely have to learn if you're playing snd the dolphin jump peak to take information is also really useful in the bunny hop as mentioned earlier.
When you know how to do these three movements then it's just about how you combine them to improve your movement for example the back slide into a side slide and a lot more combinations in the book and now a short list of things that can also help you to be a better sniper slide cancelling doesn't make a sound so if you walk and slide cancel instantly you will not make any sound zigzag when you're running around the map use a suppressor if you can don't go for cqc no scope too much don't forget to take your sniper on hand when you may encounter an enemy master the fight over your sniper master its quickscope timing don't hesitate to wallbang potential spots where the enemies can be and never play without that silence what else do you want to learn in cod mobile let us know down in the comments below if you enjoyed this type of content subscribe because we're on our way to 200 000 subscribers now go ahead and get the best gunsmith builds for snipers or train your sniper aim right here thanks for watching and i'll see you on the next one
Call of duty